Yesterday was our 18Th Anniversary! I can not believe how fast time is flying, I can remember people saying the older you get the faster time will go, well i must be getting old, cause I swear I just wrote about our 17Th! Doug had to work (of course), but he did send me flowers, even though we promised we weren't going to buy each other anything! I felt bad, cause i didn't get him anything! We ended up going out to dinner to the new Texas Roadhouse that just opened up in Lehi, it was really good and we had a good time being able to be alone for a little bit. I know people look at us sometimes and want to barf cause we are pretty affectionate people, but i don't ever want to be in a relationship that isn't still full of passion and love for each other! We have gone threw so much together that it is hard to not be more in love with each other every day, month and year! I feel extremely blessed to be married to such a great guy, He is perfect for me. I am so far from perfect and he accepts me for me. He really is my best friend! Growing older frightens me very much, but knowing that Doug will be by my side threw it all, is very comforting. I love you Doug! Happy Anniversary!
This picture makes me laugh, we bought each other Jordan's for our Wedding gifts to each other and we wore them during our reception. No sore feet for me:) But the funny part to me is that we both really never wore these shoes for anything else and we saved them. Haden wears my old pair and just about wore them out and Josh has out grown Doug's! 18 years ago i would have never imagined that!