Doug getting ready to open up his gifts on Father's Day
Reading his love notes from me and the boys
Giving us all a proper thank you!! Doug hugs are the best!!
Lunch at Chuck a Rama with the Fillmore's for Father's Day!
Elle and Carlson
Family shot
All of us eating away!
The boys eating at their own table
Uncle Lynn and Grandpa
Grandma and Grandpa Fillmore
Me and Charles, Happy Father's day! I am sad we forgot to bring the camera to my parents house, so i don't have one me and my dad on Father's Day:(
The boys got free passes from there schools for free mini golf at Liberty Land and of course Tyler wouldn't stop asking me if we could use them, Melissa said her boys got those passes too, so we decided to be nice mom's and take them there last week, they had a blast! I have never been there before, it is kind of fun and not crowed at all, so that was nice. Before venturing out to liberty land we decided to go to Arby's for their free Wed. deal, they were giving free Arby Melts with purchase of a drink, so we took them there first.
The roller coaster, they rode a bunch of times!
Mini golf! the only free activity for the day!
The cousins, Cole, Carter, Michael, Tyler and Haden
I couldn't find Tyler, all of a sudden he was riding the merry go round all by himself, he is so funny!
The go-carts, one of my boys favorite's
Haden and Carter, Carter wasn't tall enough to ride all by himself
The Mom's that should get some kind of reward for taking the kids!!
Bumper boats
Tyler and Haden have been begging Doug to take them golfing, Doug finally had some time off this weekend so they decided to go and wanted to take Grandpa Phillippi with them. They thought it was cool that they would get to play right in their back yard.
I told them to say cheese and I think that i got this picture of them actually saying it!
My dad pointing to his house
My mom came out when we got to the hole by their house and we had the snack cart girl take a picture of all of us
Jim and Melissa had us over for the 4th of July. We had dinner, lit off fireworks, made smores, got on top of the roof and watched the PG firework show, you could see them the best from up there, wish i took pictures of us up there, cause i want proof that i did it, i am much afraid of heights, but i did it!!